Dogs in sunglasses, for the win.
Could it really be that time again?
(c) Hannah Growney 2017
Indeed, summer is here. Okra's bursting towards the sky, gullywashers that last for weeks (really, that's all year long here) have turned every aisle into a veritable bullfrog heaven, the hot sun bakes your brain come midday, the celosia flowers are on fire, and our good friends from Texas A&M SeaCamp are back for their summer field trips.
And you know what that means. Lots and lots of killer photos that provide a special glimpse into Moon Dog Farms, just how it is, in all its sweaty, weedy, colorful glory on a day in mid June.
Let's get to it, shall we? The talent of these young adults speaks for itself. And the absolute manic euphoria of our 3-legged farm pooch shouts for itself.
(c) Kylie Sambirsky 2017
(c) Mackenzie Campbell 2017

(c) Kaylee Vann 2017
See what I mean? This partnership with Robert Mihovil and the Aggie SeaCamp at Galveston's Campus is such a joy. Who else can make we family of goobers look so magazine-ready?
And because there were so many spectacular shots, I thought I'd do something a bit different and group a whole bunch of them together by photographer. Scroll through and be awed by today's youth and the power of a high-quality camera. :)
Kaylee Vann
Kylie Sambirsky
Mackenzie Campbell
Many thanks to all these young artists. We love seeing the farm through your eyes, and we love sharing your work!
And the best part is, we have more to look forward to. Stay tuned for upcoming weeks and more up close & personal farm shots....
(c) Kaylee Van 2017
(c) Kylie Sambirsky 2017