Teenagers + Stinkbugs + Floppy Hats = Photo Ops Abound
(c) Molly Braughton 2016
As promised, I've put together some of our favorite shots from the second round of our summer camp photographers. Big thanks to Robert Mihovil and the crew and campers from Texas A&M SeaCamp. It is always a pleasure to host you and even more fun to peruse the photos that ping into my inbox days afterward--somehow you make us look glamorous! (Let's be sure to never schedule a photo shoot visit for midday or afternoon in the summer lest we confuse people into thinking we're underwater farmers.)
This group of teenagers got thorough looks into the summer crop production as well as a glimpse into one of McFarmer's new favorite toys---the reverse tine tiller. (cue the oooohs). We coaxed the chickens from their coveted shady spots for a peek. We discussed worms getting into the tomatillos, the egg casings of stink bugs (always we talk about stinkbugs) and our new method of production with the flowers. And of course, we talked about the pernicious, unavoidable and ever-present state of weeds. They were kind not to judge our weedy patches and focus more on blue skies and green peppers.
This visit was particularly special as it provided the opportunity to snag some great photos of our pals John & Miranda. They leave the farm this week, and while we are so sad to see them go, these still memories will help us travel back in time whenever we want to the summer of 2016 and what fun we had.
We hope you enjoy the photos--we sure do!
(c) Edward Searing 2016
(C) Bridget Buchanan 2016
Photos above taken by: Brandon Wang, David Risch, Caleb Martinez, Kelsey Kubala, Margaret Schwab, Katherine Arnett, Bryan Chen, Bridget Buchanan, Meredith Griebe
(c) David Risch, 2016
(c) Caleb Martinez 2016
(c) Kelsey Kubala
(c) Bryan Chen 2016
(c) Caleb Martinez 2016