Kids, meet the chickens. Weeds, meets the kids.
It's July. It's sweltering. It's weedy. It's time for vanloads of teenagers to visit the farm and do their best to make our sweaty hardscrabble patch of coastal prairie look dreamy and abundant. And boy, they just keep doing it every time.
(C) Alex Thompson 2015
This is now the 3rd summer to have a visit from Robert Mihovil and his photography campers from Texas A &M SeaCamp, and as with the past two summers I'm grateful for our unique relationship. We have a ritual that we perform right before they come; Alex and I scan the farm, taking in the scant shade, the weedy eggplants, the disarray of the washstand (which results in a more naggy kind of knowing glance from me to the McFarmer, poor fella) and the numerous tasks which are yet to be done and think,
"Jeez. What were we thinking?"
This year, that feeling was compounded from the aftermath of the 8 Month Rains. There's so many things that we're so far behind on that they've gone from "To do" to "Never mind."
But then the kids come, and they take beautiful photos, and we have the chance to talk about why we love farming, our farm and this hard, crazy path. It all makes sense again, for a lovely half hour.
Plus this year, we got to see kids go gaga over chickens.
I hope you enjoy these photos as much as Alex and I do, and if you were one of the talented individuals who visited our farm over the last 2 weeks, we thank you. I want you to know Alex and I are grateful to you for putting up with our dad jokes, being troopers about the blazing heat, and for leaving us with lasting gifts that show the singular beauty of nature and hard work.
(C) Madison Peerenboom 2015
(c) Destiny Cosman 2015
(C) Macey Tannos 2015
Photo credits above, left to right: Kirsten Covington, Brenna Hale, Sarah Paige Stanfield, Kirsten Covington, Sarah Paige Stanfield, Brenna Hale
(c) Madeline Ryan 2015
(c) Joei Bailey 2015
(C) Mayra Yundt- Pacheco 2015
(c) Ben Sanderson 2015
Photo Credits above, left to right: James Ray, Anna Murphy, Mason Henicke, Kaitlyn O'Leary, Sarah Rogers, Chuck Bowlin
Huge thanks to Robert Mihovil, Texas A&M SeaCamp and all the campers who trekked out to our farm over the past 2 weeks. It was our pleasure to have you, we thank you for these images, and we wish you the best in your adventures to come, wherever they take you!